Privacy Policy and GDPR adjustment of the site

This document constitutes the Privacy Policy of the site and will be subject to updates. 

This page describes how to manage the site in relation to the problems of the processing of the personal data of the users who consult it.

The information contained herein is intended to provide explanations, in particular on the modalities, timing and nature of the information that the rightholder provides to users when linking to Web pages, irrespective of the purposes of Link.

This website carries out an informative and commercial function, as it offers information on the products marketed of our company and allows users to make orders directly on line. In cases where it is necessary to collect personal information for other purposes, this will be clearly highlighted in the information of law, prepending the data collection form, in order to allow transparency and awareness to the user.

Privacy policy
Protecting our customers ' Privacy is one of our main goals. "") is constantly committed to protect the online privacy of its users. This document will allow you to know our privacy policy to understand how your personal information is handled when using our services and to allow you, in case, to give a consent to the processing of your personal data Express and aware in the sections of the site where you are asked to provide your personal information. 

We remind you that in the various sections of the website (hereinafter "site ") where we collect your personal data are published informative specifications within the meaning of art. 13 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter "Regulation"), for its necessary vision before the supply of the requested data. 
The information and data provided by you or otherwise acquired as part of the registration to the various services of will be treated in compliance with the provisions of the regulation and the confidentiality obligations which Inspire the activity of
According to the rules of the regulation, the treatments carried out by will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of purpose and preservation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

1. Ownership and responsibility for data processing
It is finally communicated that the owner of the treatment of personal data is municipal pharmacy Agrigento in the figure of Dr. Salvatore canopy, with registered office in Agrigento, Via delle Egadi, or. For any request on the subject of privacy and to exercise the rights set by art. 7 of D. LGs. 196/2003 can write to

Responsible for the data is the holder of the treatment; The list of privacy officers within the company is available by requesting it from our registered office. By registering or authenticating to the site the user allows you to identify it and have access to dedicated services.

We do not sell or share your personal information in any way, except as outlined in this Privacy statement. To provide our services, we communicate personal and delivery information to third parties as carriers, recipients and entities in charge of receiving payments. We also communicate personal information to third parties that provide services on our behalf according to our instructions (e.g.: hosting and/or maintenance services and administrators of our IT systems). Such third parties are not authorized by us to use or disclose the information, except as necessary for the provision of the services on our behalf or to comply with legal obligations.


2. The personal data covered by the treatment
For the processing of personal data we mean any operation-or set of transactions with or without the aid of automated processes-applied to personal data or personal data sets such as collection, registration, organization, Structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting, using, communicating through transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, the Cancellation or destruction. We inform you that the personal data being processed will be made-even depending on your decisions on how to use our services-by an identifier such as name, email address, identification number, location data, a Online identification, purchases made and other data suitable to make it identified or identifiable, depending on the type of services requested (hereinafter only "personal data "). 
In particular, personal data that could be processed through our website are as follows:

A. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the site acquire, during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of Internet communication protocols. It is information that is not collected to be associated with identified stakeholders, but which by their very nature could, through elaboration and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify users. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the addresses in Uniform Resource identifiers (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used When submitting the request to the server, the file size obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and the sites of our customers and to control its correct functioning, to identify anomalies and/or abuses, and are erased immediately after Processing. The data could be used for the assessment of liability in the case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or third parties: Save this eventuality, the data on the Web contacts do not persist for more than fourteen days, unless any User requests (e.g. access to user's personal pages within summarised services, published information, etc.).

B. Data voluntarily provided by the person concerned
The use of particular services may result in the processing of personal data of third parties subject to you sent to the service manager. With respect to these assumptions, you stand as the autonomous owner of the treatment, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities of the law. In this sense, you confer on the point the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, demand, claim for damages from treatment, etc. that should reach from third parties whose personal data have been Processed through its use of the services in breach of the rules on the protection of applicable personal data. In any case, if you provide or otherwise treat third-party personal data in the use of the service, it guarantees right now-assuming any associated responsibilities-that such a particular hypothesis of treatment is based on a proper legal basis (e.g. , the consent of the interested party) pursuant to art. 6 of the regulation which legitimises the processing of the information in question.




Definitions, characteristics and application of the legislation.


Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send and register on their computer or mobile device, to be retransmitted to the same sites the next time they visit. Thanks to cookies, a site remembers the user's actions and preferences (such as login data, selected language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not need to be re-indicated when You go back to visit that site or navigate from one page to another. Cookies, therefore, are used to perform computer authentication, monitoring sessions and storing information about the activities of users who access a site and can also contain a unique identification code that allows you to Keep track of the user's browsing within the site for statistical or advertising purposes. During the navigation on a site, the user can receive on his computer or mobile device also cookies of sites or Web servers other than the one he is visiting (so-called "third party" cookies). Some operations could not be accomplished without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the same operation of the site. There are various types of cookies, depending on their features and functions, and these can remain in the user's computer or mobile device for different time periods: so-called session cookies, which is automatically deleted when the browser closes ; So-called persistent cookies, which persist on the user's equipment up to a predetermined deadline. According to the regulations in force in Italy, an express consent of the user is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, they do not require such consent as "technical cookies", i.e. those used in the sole purpose of transmitting a communication on an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service Explicitly requested by the user. In other words, cookies are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to perform tasks requested by the user. Among the technical cookies, which do not require an express consent for their use, the guarantor for the protection of personal data Italian (cf. Measure identification of simplified modalities for the disclosure and acquisition of the consent for the use of the cookies of 8 May 2014, hereinafter only  "measure") also includes:


• "Cookie analytics " where used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site,

• Browsing or session cookies (to authenticate),

• Feature cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.

For "Profiling cookies ", conversely, those aimed at creating profiles related to the user and used in order to send advertisements in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the field of network browsing, is required a Prior consent of the user.


The site uses the following cookies which may be de-selected, except for third-party cookies for which you must refer directly to the relevant selection and de-selection methods of the respective cookies, indicated by means of links:


• Technical Cookies-navigation or session and strictly necessary for the operation of the site or to allow the user to take advantage of the contents and services from these required..

• Cookie analytics, which helps you understand how the site is used by users. These cookies do not collect information about the user's identity or any personal data. The information is treated in aggregate and anonymous form.

• Feature cookies, i.e. used to enable specific site features and a set of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered.

• Profiling cookies used in order to send advertisements in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the field of network browsing.


At any time the registered user can deactivate the cookies through the special button available in the "My Account" section. 

CAUTION: By disabling technical and/or feature cookies, the site may be unsearchable or certain services or certain features of the site may be unavailable or not functioning properly and you may be forced to Edit or manually enter some information or preferences each time you visit the site.

• Third party cookies, i.e. site or Web server cookies other than that of, used for the purposes of such third parties, including profiling cookies. It should be noted that these third parties, hereinafter listed with the related links to the privacy policies, are autonomous holders of the processing of the data collected through the cookies they serve; Therefore, you must refer to their policies of processing personal data, information and consent forms (selection and de-selection of the respective cookies), as specified in the above-mentioned measure. For completeness also, we specify that does the best to be able to trace cookies on its site. With regard to third parties sending cookies through our website, to such third parties we state, as already stated, the responsibility to provide the information and to collect the consent of the users, as provided for by the measure. This responsibility is to be referred not only to the cookies that the third parties send directly, but also to any additional cookies that are sent through our website by virtue of the use of services which the third parties themselves receive. In fact, compared to these cookies, sent by service providers of the aforementioned third parties, does not have the possibility to exercise any control and does not know its characteristics or its purpose.


Statistical and third party audience measurement cookies


These cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information about how visitors browse the site. Here are the links to the respective cookies policy pages to manage your consent.


Google Analytics: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies

Privacy Policy

Social media sharing cookies


These third-party cookies-if you present the links on the site-are used to integrate some widespread features of the main social media and provide them within the site. In particular, allow the registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google Connect, sharing and comments of pages of the site on social, enable the functionality of the "I like" on Facebook and  "+ 1 " on G +. Here are the links to the respective cookies policy pages to manage your consent.

·    Facebooksocial media privacy policy

·    G+social media privacy policy

·    Youtubesocial media privacy policy

·    Twittersocial media privacy policy

·    Linkedinsocial media privacy policy

·    Pinterestsocial media privacy policy


These third-party cookies, when present, allow you to show advertisements based on the interests expressed by users while browsing online about the sites and the APPS belonging to the third party circuit that issued these cookies. For example, the remarketing cookies used by this site may be those of the Google Display network and the Audience Network platform of Facebook. Below are provided links to disable the use of cookies by Google and Facebook.

·    GoogleRemarketing privacy policy

·    FacebookRemarketing privacy policy


Cookie settings

It is possible for you to make a choice with regard to the reception of profiling cookies. Failure to authorize the cookies indicated (profiling) will not affect the operation of the site. You may block or delete (in whole or in part) technical and feature cookies through the specific functions of your navigation browser. We inform you, however, that not authorize the technical cookies may result in the inability to use the site, view its contents and use the related services. Inhibiting feature cookies may result in certain services or certain features of the site not being available or malfunctioning, and you may be forced to edit or manually enter certain information or preferences Time you will visit the site. The choices made in reference to the cookies of the site will in turn be registered in a special cookie. Such a cookie may, however, in some circumstances not work properly: in such cases, we recommend that you delete unwelcome cookies and also inhibit your use through the capabilities of your navigation browsers. Your preferences in reference to cookies will be reset if you use different devices or browsers to access the site.


Profiling cookies

They are sent in order to send advertisements in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the field of network browsing.

You can select which cookies to authorize, block or delete (in whole or in part) through the specific functions of your navigation program (browser).


3. Purpose of Treatment
The treatment we intend to carry out, at its specific consent where necessary, has the following objectives:

A. Allow the provision of the services requested by you and the subsequent and autonomous management of your reserved Area, which you will access by registering and creating your user profile upon registration to the site, including collection, Preservation and processing of data for the purposes of the establishment and subsequent operational, technical and administrative management of the relationship related to the provision of services and the carrying out of communications relating to the conduct of the report Established

B. Enable navigation and consultation of the website;

C. Respond to requests for assistance or information, which we will receive via e-mail, telephone or through the contact page of our site.

D. Fulfil statutory, accounting and fiscal obligations;

E. Conduct direct marketing by e-mail, unless you are opposed to such treatment initially or in subsequent communications, for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of to promote products or services to which You may reasonably be interested; 

F. Send them advertising material, informative, commercial information by e-mail;

G. Make customized commercial proposals on the basis of the products or services you have purchased, or that you are interested in browsing our website, or on the basis of the group of clients you belong to (profiling). This means, for example, that you are a reseller will receive commercial offers for retailers; If you have navigated to our site to search for information on certain services, you will receive offers relating to these services; Finally, if you are using a service, depending on your use of the service, you will receive targeted communications from (for example, additional services and/or compatible with the one you purchased) are offered. This type of analysis is typically carried out on purchasing data pertaining both to natural persons and to legal persons and the relevant decisions are not based on a purely automated treatment. Such treatment is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller to personalize its commercial proposals. 

H. For exclusive safety purposes and prevention of fraudulent conduct, the holder shall set up an automatic control system involving the detection and analysis of user behaviour on the site associated with the processing of personal data including The IP address. The consequences of such treatment are that if a person tries to put in place fraudulent conduct on the site of for example to benefit several times of the same promotion without being entitled to it, reserves the right to exclude this subject from the promotion or to take any other appropriate measures for its own protection. 

4. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of treatment
The legal basis for the processing of personal data for the purposes set out in section 3 (A-B-c) is art. 6 (1) (b) of the regulation since the treatments are necessary for the delivery of the contractualized services. The conferral of personal data for these purposes is optional, but the eventual failure to provide would result in the impossibility of activating the requested services. 


The purpose of section 3 (d) is a legitimate treatment of personal data within the meaning of art. 6 (1) (c) of the Rules of Procedure. Once the personal data has been conferred, the treatment may be necessary to fulfil the statutory obligations to which is subject. 
The treatments performed for marketing purposes described in section 3 (f) and for communication to third parties described in section 3 (g) are based on the release of its consent under art. 6 (1) (a) of the Rules of Procedure. The conferral of your personal data for these purposes is completely optional and does not prejudice the use of the services. The treatments referred to in section 3 (e), carried out for the purposes of e-mail marketing on products or services similar to those purchased by you, find instead its legal basis, in accordance with art. 6.1. (f) The regulation, in the legitimate interest of to promote its products or services in a context in which the person concerned can reasonably expect such treatment, to which he may, however, oppose any Time. If in fact you wish to oppose the processing of your data for marketing purposes, you may at any time do so by requesting the cancellation of your address from the mailing list, through the link in any communication sent to you. The profiling treatment referred to in section 3 (g), to which you may oppose at any time, shall be based on the legitimate interest of the holder, in accordance with article 6.1 F. of the regulation, to personalize its commercial communications. The treatment referred to in section 3 (h) is also based on the legitimate interest of the rightholder to detect fraud and scams in its own detriment, in accordance with art. 6.1. F of the Rules of Procedure. 

5. Recipients of personal data
Your personal data may be shared, for the purposes set out in section 3 above, with: 

A. Those who are typically acting as data controllers, i.e.: 
i) persons, companies or professional firms providing assistance and consultancy activities to in accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters relating to the provision of services; 
ii) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of services (for example, those who provide the payment service by credit card, (PayPal) etc. 
(iii) Delegated subjects to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communication networks); 
IV) Italian or foreign companies, for administrative or statistical purposes (collectively, "recipients");

B. Entities, entities or authorities to which it is mandatory to communicate its personal data by virtue of legal provisions or orders of the authorities (for example, in the course of investigations of criminal nature may receive requests from the of the judicial authority to provide log of electronic traffic); 

C. Persons authorized by to treat personal data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of services, whether they are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation to Confidentiality, such as the employees of; 

D. Business partners for their own purposes, autonomous and separate, only in case you have given a specific consent. 

The complete list of the data controllers is available by submitting a written request.

6. Transfers of personal data
Some of your personal information is shared with recipients that you might find outside the European Economic Area. ensures that your personal data is processed by these recipients in accordance with the regulations. Indeed, transfers can be based on an adequacy decision or on the standards Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission. More information is available from the owner. Given that this transfer is necessary for its enjoyment of the service, according to the current privacy regulations, it is justified under art. 49 (1) (b) of the Rules of Procedure.


7. Data Retention
The personal data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3 (A-B-c) will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve those same purposes. In any case, being treatments carried out for the provision of services, will treat personal data until the time allowed by the Italian law to protect its interests (Art. 2946 C.C. and SS.).

The personal data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3 (d) shall be kept until the time required by the specific applicable law or rule. As an example, as already specified, traffic data will be retained for justice purposes for 6 (six) years from their generation; Otherwise, they will be stored for 6 (six) months. 
For the purposes set out in section 3 (e) (f), your personal data will be processed until you withdraw your consent or up to 3 (three) years after you have ceased to be a customer of, or have simply registered on the website , and did not make any purchases of products or services. In any case, it is safe to to retain your personal data until the time allowed by Italian law to protect your interests (Art. 2947 (1) (3) C.C.). More information on the data retention period and the criteria used to determine this period may be required by writing to the holder.

8. Data security
We adopt administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the personal information that you provide to us from: destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use accidental, unlawful or unauthorized. In the event of a breach of information, loss or other occurrence which may seriously impair the safety of the data processed, undertakes to notify, if necessary, the competent authority and the persons concerned within 72 H., As provided by the GDPR.

We recall that despite the measures taken to ensure access to our facilities and means only to authorized persons, the information that is on the outside of a parcel or letter may still be visible.

9. Rights of the parties concerned
You have the right to request to, at any time, access to your personal data, rectification or cancellation thereof or to oppose their treatment in the cases provided for in article 20 of the Regulation, you have the right to Request the limitation of treatment in the cases provided by art. 18 of the Rules of Procedure, and to obtain in a structured format, of common use and self-readable data relating to it (portability), in the cases provided for by art. 20 of the Rules of Procedure. 

To exercise the right to portability and obtain more information about your data, you can send an email to the address or use the options available within your private Area. By clicking on the "PERSONAL DATA (GDPR) " button.

In any case you always have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority (guarantor for the protection of personal data), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if it considers that the processing of its data is contrary to the legislation in force.

10. Modifications
This Privacy Policy is in force from 24 May 2018. reserves the same to modify or simply update its contents, partly or completely, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. If the changes to this Policy concern substantial changes in the treatments, or may still have a significant impact on the interested parties, I will take care to notify them accordingly.